Our People

3 circles in a triangle with lines connecting the left to the bottom and the right to the bottom.

Our Team

Our internationally-renowned directors are supported by a senior leadership team, including Director of Operations, CRF Managers, Matrons and Team Leaders responsible for specific facilities and teams.

Our diverse workforce also includes a trial administration team, workforce development team, research support staff, a sample handling team, facilities manager and an administration team.

Team photo of the NIHR Cambridge CRF Team taken in August 2022
Professor V. Krishna Chatterjee

Professor V. Krishna Chatterjee

Director of the NIHR Cambridge CRF
Professor I. Sadaf Farooqi

Professor I. Sadaf Farooqi

Co-director of the NIHR Cambridge CRF
Dr Mark Toshner

Dr Mark Toshner

Director of the HLRI CRF
Caroline Saunders

Caroline Saunders

Director of Operations, NIHR Cambridge CRF
Jo Piper

Jo Piper

NIHR Cambridge CRF Manager
Dorothee Koscielny-Lemaire

Dorothee Koscielny-Lemaire

Acting Operations Manger of the HLRI CRF
Anne Elmer

Anne Elmer

Areti Bermperi

Areti Bermperi

Acting Matron
Vivien Mendoza

Vivien Mendoza

Jenny Castedo

Jenny Castedo

Lead Nurse, HLRI CRF
Karen Soons

Karen Soons

Operations and Business Manager
David Dunlop

David Dunlop

Facilities Manager
Chiara Macor

Chiara Macor

Workforce Development Lead
Megan Webb

Megan Webb

Workforce Skills Lead
Caroline McMahon

Caroline McMahon

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Lead
Dr Laura Watson

Dr Laura Watson

Metabolic Physiologist
Dr Alison Sleigh

Dr Alison Sleigh

MRI Scientist, Principal Research Associate