Cambridge Clinical Research Facility (CRF) is the largest, single site NIHR CRF. It is located in the heart of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, the largest centre of medical research and health science in Europe.
The NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility (CRF) is part of the NIHR and hosted by Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Contact Us
NIHR Cambridge Clinical Research Facility
Cambridge Clinical Research Centre
Keith Day Road
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
CCRC L5 Research Sister Joanne
International Nurses’ Day 2022
Fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose provides stronger immunity boost than third dose, shows study run in East of England
Nationwide NHS trial of artificial pancreas developed in Cambridge
Cambridge recruits first patient to national inflammation study
Team exploring how inflammation affects cognitive performance in people with depression
Celebrating International Women’s Day
Cambridge CRF receives new funding boost for delivery of early stage clinical research
Taking part in ovarian cancer research