Patient and Public Involvement for Researchers

Blue circle, within a larger yellow circle, within a larger white circle

By involving patients, carers and members of the public, we get to know what matters to you by listening to your ideas, knowledge, views and experiences.

Working with us, we will:

  • Actively consult, listen to and involve people, including patients and carers at all stages of our research including feeding back any findings
  • Inform and educate others about our health research
  • Involve people, including patients and carers in the decision-making processes within our research governance structure
  • Work flexibly, inclusively and respectfully to accommodate the needs, interests, concerns and aspirations of all
  • Work together in a way that values and respects all contributions, and builds meaningful relationships
  • Make a change and make a difference through public involvement by learning from each other and building on what works well
Multicoloured waves of colour in the shape of head and shoulders
A poster explaining why we involve patients in research with different colour icons

UK Standards For Public Involvement is a national framework of what good public involvement looks like, such as flexibility, sharing and learning and respect for each other.

Email us We would like to work with you and your PPI project.  Our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Team, have access to several different groups of patients, carers, and the public, who which have expressed an interest in being involved in PPIE at NIHR Cambridge CRF.


Guidance from the #NIHRinclude project is now available for researchers, funders and delivery teams around how to improve inclusion of under-served groups in clinical research – including specific advice for COVID-19 studies.

Discover more for researchers at Cambridge CRF – researchers at Cambridge CRF