Clinical Investigation Ward for complex late phase trials

A small blue circle within larger red circle within even larger white circle

A dedicated team delivers complex late phase trials that include nested experimental medicine and require specialist nursing skills. These trials are predominantly for chemotherapy and immunomodulatory agents in cancer and autoimmunity, as well as other clinical specialties including hepatology, haematology, vasculitis and rare diseases. 

Operates Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

  • 7 day-case beds  
  • 2 specialist investigation rooms:
    • Neurophysiology Testing Laboratory including equipment for thermosensory pain stimulation and assessment, and blood flow imaging for pain assessment
    • Clinical Vision Laboratory, equipped to facilitate clinical research that helps to further our understanding of ocular and neurological disorders.
  • 2 consulting rooms
  • Patient waiting room
  • Sample processing room
  • Cytotoxic drug preparation room
Clinical Investigation Ward showing Infusion Bay and equipment
Patient sitting in chair with two nurses completing tests
Nurse with multiple samples in test tubes